

The InStrive Check In is the quickest and easiest way to become InStrive. A check in could be completed in as short as 15 minutes. If you’d like, feel free to take up to 30 minutes.

The InStrive Check In

Start Striving Today!

If not now, when? - Hillel the Elder

As a first step, grab a notebook or stickie note and simply check in with yourself. An InStrive Check In is comprised of answering questions associated with each of the five principles based on your current life and goals. The questions below are samples to kick start your first check in - feel free to ask yourself additional questions that align with each principle. There is no such thing as an incorrect answer, all you have to do is answer the questions authentically and honestly. To begin the check in, ask yourself...

What am I striving for?

It is so easy to be paralyzed at such a big question, but remember that we are all on a lifelong journey of becoming the person we are meant to be so try to stay away from overthinking it - simply answer with whatever comes to mind. Focus on what you are striving for this month, this week, or today.

SMART goals focused on Small Simple Steps building Atomic Habits are highly recommended.

Once you determine what you are currently striving for, complete an InStrive Check In by answering the questions below:

Self Discovery

What made me choose this goal? Remember your why.
How will I define and measure success? Make sure it is measurable!

Intentional Living

Taking my answers from the Self Discovery questions above, what can I integrate into or eliminate from my daily life to turn these reflections into action?
What is a the simplest and easiest habit I can start today to make the first step toward this goal?

Mastering Your Mind

What is distracting me most? What can I do to avoid this distraction? Can I change my environment or perspective?
What are some affirmations or quotes that I can use to help guide me or keep me focused?

Lifelong Learning

What would help equip me with the skills or knowledge needed to reach my goal?
Is there anything else I want to learn more about? Am I making space in my life to learn purely for my Self?

Seeking Connections

Who can I ask today to be an accountability and growth partner as it relates to what I am striving for?
Am I making meaningful connections in my life?
Tip: Having this check in with a close friend, mentor, or confidant is highly recommended. I have found that this can lead to some of the best conversations and deep connections. Plus, striving together builds in accountability.

... so you have your stickie note, now what?

1️⃣ After writing down answers to the questions above, ask yourself how you can create the simplest, actionable steps to start to integrate these reflections into action in your daily life.

Here is a sample of one of my InStrive check ins from May 15, 2021.

2️⃣ Choose a day that you will check in with yourself every month. This is also when you will evaluate how you've done with the action items from your previous Check In.

  • Did you accomplish what you were striving for?
  • What weren’t you able to accomplish or integrate into your life yet?
  • How could you iterate and improve your approach?

Over time, you will begin to see trends to perform deeper analysis, adjust, and iterate.

Congratulations! πŸŽ‰

By completing this Check In, you are now InStrive: actively striving to become your best Self.

Remember: Give yourself grace and be patient. This is a lifelong journey so do not be discouraged.
"Little by little, a little becomes a lot." - Jim Kwik, author of Limitless
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